Admission requirements at Gyumri
“Progress” University for 2024-2025 academic year
Founded in 1990 Gyumri “Progress” University is one of the first private universities in the Shirak region in the Republic of Armenia.
The university is licensed and accredited by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
License № 005, 26.08.2014 state accreditation № 006, and № 200 13.04.2007 , № 104-108 and № 192-200.
The university has 8 specialties accredited in Bachelor’s degree, 3 specialties in Master’s degree and 4 specialties in Medical College.
All the graduates receive a state diploma.
“Progress” university offers the following educational programs.
1. Bachelor’s degree
1.1 Jurisprudence (full-time, part-time)
1.2 Finance (full-time, part-time)
1.3 Armenian language and Literature (full-time, part-time)
1.4 English language and Literature (full-time, part-time)
1.5 Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology (full-time, part-time)
1.6 Psychology (full-time)
1.7 Journalism (full-time)
1.8 Biochemistry (full-time)
Progress University has a license to operate with a valid education for educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs (continuous and integrated) in the following medical specialties
General Medicine - 6 years of training with the qualification of MD physician. (For more information )
Dentistry - 5 years of study - with the qualification of doctor of stomatology.
In accordance with the procedure for admission to state and non-state higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia, admission to all specialties of full-time and part-time education at the Progress University is carried out through unified and centralized examinations organized by the Center for Assessment and Testing (CAT).
Off-site learning mode applicants for participation in the Unified and Centralized Entrance Examinations apply at the first stage online from April 15 to May 10. At the second stage from June 26 to July 1
Applicants of off-site learning mode education for participation in the Unified and Centralized entrance exams at the first stage apply online at from September 5 to 25 at 18:00. Joint exams will be held October 20-27.
2. Master's degree - full-time study
1. Jurisprudence
2. Finance
3. Psychology
Admission is carried out on a competitive basis on the basis of the Average Quality Index (AQI) specified in the Diploma Supplement, and with the guarantee of the admission committee.
Documents are accepted from June 16 to July 6.
Master's programs can be studied by persons with a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree
High-performing bachelor's graduates are admitted to master's programs without entrance exams and with a discount on tuition fees.
To receive the 2nd higher professional education Applicants can be admitted to the 2nd or 3rd year by interview.
50% discount on tuition is provided to excellent students, and representatives of some groups: orphans (left without parental care), children of soldiers who died in hostilities.
20% discount for the 1st year is set for students for two or more students from the same family, demobilized from the army, one-sided orphans.
3.Medical College
3.1 Medical nursing affair
3.2 Maternity Care
3.3 Pharmacy
3.4 Dental technology
Admission to the college is carried out by submitting applications on a single electronic platform until August 8, 18:00, and exams are held from August 9 to 17.
Education is available to persons with basic education (9 classes), the term of study is from 3 to 4 years, and persons with a complete secondary education (12 classes), and the term of study is from 2 to 3 years.
All college graduates receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education with a junior specialist qualification and have the same rights as the state colleges of the same name. Students of all specialties of the college undergo educational and industrial practice in the Gyumri "Medical" center, which is the main base, as well as in other leading medical institutions of the city, which gives students the opportunity to work in parallel with their studies.
High-class college graduates can be enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd years of relevant specialties in state-accredited and licensed universities without entrance exams.
Various discounts also apply to all college majors.
- Basic school
The main school-college of the University carries general education with the following programs.
1 Elementary education 1-4 years
2 Compulsory general education 1-9grades
3 High school education 10-12 grades
4 Secondary education 1-12grades
Training is based on the deepest study of Russian, English, mathematics and IT.
1st grade pupil receive free textbooks. After classes at school there is an extension class. The number of pupil in classes is no more than 12. If desired, pupil also receives a musical education. The school has different thematic groups. The school has many victories in various subject Olympiads. This is evidenced by medals and diplomas received at the regional, national and international stages.
Grade |
| Tuition Fee /AMD/ |
I-IV | Primary general | 100-120 thousand
I-IX | Compulsory general | 100-120 thousand
I –XII | Secondary /High school / | 100-120 thousand
Bachelor’s degree
Profession | Admission Exams Competition | Non- competition
| Tuition Fee /AMD/
| ||
| Part-time
| ||||
| History .of the Armenia (w)
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
Foreign lang. (w)
| 250 thousand
| 2 0 0 thousand
| Mat h . (w)
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
Foreign lang. (w)
| 250 thousand
| 2 0 0 thousand
English language and literature
| Eng.Lang
(w )
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
| 220 thousand
| 2 0 0 thousand
Armenian language and literature
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
| Foreign lang.(w)
| 220 thousand
| 2 0 0 thousand
Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
| Math. (w)
Foreign lang. (w)
| 220 thousand
| 2 0 0 thousand
| Biochemistry
| Chemistry (w)
Physics (w)
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w) *
| 220 thousand
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
| Foreign lang . ( w )
| 220 thousand
| Arm.lang.& Lit (w)
| Foreign lang.(w)
Biochemistry (w)
| 220 thousand
Medical affair
| Biochemistry (w)
| Chemistry (w)
Physics (w)
| 800 thousand
| Biochemistry (w)
| Chemistry (w)
Physics (w)
| 600 thousand
Master's degree
| Profession | Tuition Fee /AMD/ |
1 | Jurisprudence | 250 thousand |
2 | Finance | 250 thousand |
3 | Psychology | 250 thousand |
Medical College
| Profession | Admission Exams | Duration of study / year / | Tuition Fee /AMD/ |
1 | Medical nursing affair | Biology | 3-4 | 185 thousand |
2 | Maternity Care | 3-4 | 185 thousand | |
3 | Dental technology | 2-3 | 185 thousand | |
4 | Pharmacy | 2-3 | 185 thousand |